Ignatios Antoniadis (Geneve, Switzerland)
Irina Arefeva (Moscow, Russia)
Loriano Bonora (Trieste, Italy)
Lars Brink (Gothenburg, Sweden)
Maja Buric (Belgrade, Serbia)
Dieter Luest (Munich, Germany) (www1, www2)
Miodrag Mateljevic (Belgrade, Serbia)
Viatcheslav Mukhanov (Munich, Germany)
Hermann Nicolai (Potsdam, Germany)
Anatoly Nikitin (Kyiv, Ukraine)
Emil Nissimov (Sofia, Bulgaria)
Matej Pavsic (Ljubljana, Slovenia)
Stevan Pilipovic (Novi Sad, Serbia)
Branislav Sazdovic (Belgrade, Serbia)
Dejan Stojkovic (Buffalo, USA)
Vasiliy Vladimirov (Moscow, Russia)
Mihai Visinescu (Bucharest, Romania)
Goran Djordjevic (Nis, Serbia)
Vladimir Dobrev (Sofia, Bulgaria)
Branko Dragovich (Belgrade, Serbia)
Anatol Odzijewicz (Bialystok, Poland)
Zoran Rakic (Belgrade, Serbia)
Igor Volovich (Moscow, Russia)
George Zoupanos (Athens, Greece)
Branko Dragovich (Chairman, Inst. of Phys., Belgrade)
Igor Salom (Vice Chairman, Inst. of Phys., Belgrade)
Branislav Cvetković (Inst. of Phys., Belgrade)
Ljubica Davidović (Inst. of Phys., Belgrade)
Bojan Nikolić (Inst. of Phys., Belgrade)
Dragan Savić (Inst. of Phys., Belgrade)
Marko Vojinović (Inst. of Phys., Belgrade)